# 101 / Best of SXSW 2015 (Music): Brazil’s Apanhador Só

Apanhador Só's Alexandre Kumpinski. (E.L.)

Apanhador Só’s Alexandre Kumpinski (acoustic guitar/lead vocals) showing us how it’s done. (E.L.)

The following videos belong to my favorite band, hands down, out of all the dozens I saw in South by Southwest 2015. I apologize that some of the videos are out of focus. I couldn’t see shit because I lost my glasses, yet I could hear loud and clear. Apanhador Só is an arty, unpredictable, experimental, theatrical and supremely edgy band from Rio Grande do Sul. They played on March 20 at Austin’s Red Eyed Fly and cracked my head open. The videos will give you some idea, but their discography has them reinventing themselves with each album. I recommend them all, especially the latest, Antes Que Tu Conte Outra (2013), which you can listen to here if you’re not smart enough to go straight to iTunes or wherever to get it in an instant.

Here they are. Enjoy:
